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34.03 ha
Waterfront Legacy, Kauaroa Bay - Imbuing the past, looking to the future. In 1869 the sheltered 84 acre coastal amphitheatre provided the ultimate site for the original homestead and farm. Offering a perfect synergy between land and sea, both then and today. An irreplaceable offering of 450 metres of riparian beachfront and over 2.5 kilometres of coast land. The jetty with boatshed, tennis court, pool and helipad all sited within a few metres of the water. Two moorings provide secure anchorage. Accommodation is offered across the Homestead, caretaker's villa and two visitor units. The degree of ease established over time is palatable and a testament to past custodians. A legacy property that offers leisure pursuits and accommodates every generation, everyone's needs met and exceeded. The transformation from day through dusk is both genteel and dramatic, another reason to congregate, celebrate or just contemplate the views across the lawn and pool that extend to Koi Island, Rangitoto and Auckland's CBD. Ancient Pohutukawa's line the peninsula's coast and dot the pasture. Exotics include oaks planted on Armistice day, potager and flower gardens, lawn, and pasture. The property cared for by highly experienced onsite management couple who are willing to remain engaged. Selected in 2017 by the current owners to develop what would arguably be New Zealand's foremost beachfront Lodge. Resource consented architectural plans by Cheshire Architects - a melding of Waiheke's rich honeycomb hued rock, solid concrete, and timber. Kauaroa Bay will retain its historic integrity whether remaining as is, or transformation under new ownership. The only certainty being that there is only one Kauaroa Bay and only one opportunity to secure it. ...
Property ID
34.03 ha
Key Features
Infinity Pool and tennis court, 450 metres of riparian beachfront, Over 2.5 km of coastal land, Gated ensured privacy, Jetty and Boatshed